As Seen in Modern Home Builders Magazine: Overcoming Challenges

Overcoming Challenges article in Modern Home Builder Magazine featuring Alan Umaly.

Alan Umaly, President of Westwood Insurance Agency, is featured in the latest issue of Modern Home Builders Magazine discussing how builders can help homebuyers in securing insurance. Recent extreme weather events have made it more difficult for buyers to obtain coverage in many regions. Umaly highlights embedded insurance as a key solution, allowing builders to help buyers secure coverage early in the process. With insurance costs and availability affecting a buyer’s ability to proceed with a purchase, having coverage details upfront is essential. By embedding insurance directly into the homebuying process, builders offer competitive quotes at the time of signing purchase agreements, ensuring buyers are aware of the expected insurance cost from the start.

This streamlined process saves time for both builders and buyers, providing confidence and certainty in a challenging market. More builders are adopting embedded insurance to enhance the customer experience and help buyers secure coverage early. Read the full article in the digital magazine.