Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance kicks in when you've exhausted the coverage limits of your home and auto policies, and may apply to claims those policies don't cover.

Why Umbrella Insurance?

Call us for a quote or questions regarding umbrella insurance at 888-543-6179.

Americans are sued for both legitimate and bogus reasons—and the outcome is never guaranteed. All your assets, including your future earnings, can be at risk.

What’s included in umbrella insurance?

  • Legal representation and court fees and other expenses associated with a lawsuit brought against you for libel, slander, or other liability claims.
  • Liabilities not covered under your homeowners or auto policy.

Common Umbrella Insurance Claims

Nobody likes to think these things could happen to them. But they happen to someone every day. If you have umbrella insurance, you have financial protection… just in case today’s your day:

Texting and Driving
This is a leading cause of auto accidents. Even the best driver can get distracted and cause an accident.

Guests Injury
A homeowner hosts a party at home and a guest is injured on the premises.

Dog Bites
Dog bites account for a large percentage of homeowner insurance liability claims. If you have a pet, it is important to know what your home policy does and does not cover.

Accidents On Your Property
Friends come over to swim in your pool and a guest accidentally drowns. The tenant of your rental home falls down a flight of stairs and is permanently disabled due to a loose handrail.

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