5 Tips for Easy Auto Claims


Accidents happen. Here are five things you can do now to help your covered claims be taken care of quickly and painlessly.

1. Have the correct address on file

Insurance rates and coverage can be based on where you live and drive your car. That’s why it’s important to update your residential address after a move.

2. State how your vehicle is used

Always specify how your vehicle is being used. For example, your policy may not cover your vehicle for business or commercial use. Talk to your agent about how you use your vehicle—including if you qualify for a low mileage discount.

3. Share all upgrades and modifications made to your car

Just like your home, you want to make sure any upgrades to your vehicle are covered. Things such as modified tires, rims, suspension and body or engine changes that are designed to make your vehicle go faster should be disclosed to your insurance company so that they can be covered in future claims.

4. List all drivers on your policy

Anyone who drives your car on a regular basis should be listed on the policy. Don’t forget to add new partners, children who just got their license or family members who move in with you.

5. Have the right coverage in place

It’s a good idea to review your auto coverage with your agent each year. This way your policy can be updated to capture any life changes and make sure all your needs are taken care of. 

Contact Westwood Insurance Agency for a coverage review. Knowing how you are protected can bring peace of mind!