Top 10 Poisonous Flowers and Plants for Cats and Dogs

Border collie dog with torn flower bouquet in his teeth at home.

As you begin your spring planting, keep in mind that some of those beautiful flowers and plants may not be pet-friendly—in fact, several are extremely toxic. Below is a top 10 list of the most poisonous flowers and plants for cats and dogs, what to do if you suspect your pet has consumed one, and how to prepare for these types of emergencies.

Top 10 flowers and plants poisonous to pets:

  1. Autumn Crocus
  2. Azalea
  3. Cyclamen
  4. Kalanchoe
  5. Lilies
  6. Oleander
  7. Dieffenbachia
  8. Daffodils
  9. Lily of the Valley
  10. Tulips and Hyacinths  

You can find additional flowers, plants, and other items that are toxic to cats and dogs on this poison list.

Act Fast for a Better Outcome

If you know or suspect that your pet has ingested a poisonous flower or plant, here are some dos and don’ts:


  • Gather as much information about the toxin as you can by taking a sample, a photo, or collecting any vomit or stool in a plastic bag. If you have a label or identification card from the plant, use that.
  • Be ready to provide the type of plant (if known), the time of ingestion, your pet’s weight, and any visible symptoms.
  • Contact or drive to your veterinarian’s office or nearest emergency veterinarian, or call the Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661.


  • Wait until your pet becomes sick before seeking help.
  • Attempt to induce vomiting or administer any type of treatment until you speak to a professional.

Prepare for the Unknown

For unexpected accidents like poisoning or other illnesses or injuries, having health insurance for your pet is a smart investment that offers protection when you need it most. Knowing your pet is covered can help alleviate the worry of how you’ll pay for expensive veterinary procedures so you can focus on what really matters—helping your pet feel better. A Westwood pet policy includes:

  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Diagnostic testing and imaging
  • ER and specialist care
  • Surgery, hospitalization, and nursing care
  • Treatment for breed-specific conditions
  • Prosthetic limbs and devices including mobility aids
  • Cancer treatment
  • Alternative therapies and rehabilitation

Contact a Westwood agent to learn more about this affordable peace-of-mind protection.

Please Note: This article is for general informational and educational purposes only. It does not represent any specific insurance policy and does not modify any provisions, limitations, or exclusions of any current policy.