As Seen in Builder: Increase Buyer Trust with Pre-Approved Home Insurance

Increase Buyer Trust with Pre-Approved Home Insurance article in Builder featuring Tom Kriby.

Tom Kriby, VP of Client Development and Partnerships at Westwood Insurance Agency, is featured in a recent Builder article discussing ways to increase builder-buyer trust. With home insurance rates, coverage, and availability becoming unpredictable, buyers face growing uncertainty. Many insurers have raised rates or exited markets, limiting options. Kriby’s solution is embedded insurance in the home buying process. Buyers can either accept the pre-underwritten offer or shop around, with most choosing the embedded option. This removes insurance surprises and ensures the home is ready for the buyer.

By pre-rating and pre-approving insurance before closing, builders can streamline the process. The result is greater transparency, speed, and convenience, fostering long-term trust between builders and buyers. Read the full article on